How to Use Hyper-Personalization in B2B Lead Generation

With a myriad of B2B lead generation services, strategies, and tactics available on the internet, many B2B marketers are having a hard time finding the right solution for their lead generation problems. According to a recent study conducted by Authority Website Income,

  • 53% of B2B marketers spend over half of their entire marketing budget on lead generation efforts, while
  • 34% of B2B marketers reported that they spent less than half of their entire marketing budget on lead generation, and
  • 14% were not sure about their exact lead generation spending

The study concluded that most companies are willing to spend more money on B2B lead generation services in order to improve their lead generation strategies. If you’re looking for practical ways to generate leads and make sure that your investment is beneficial, then try hyper-personalization as your lead generation strategy.

What Is Hyper-Personalization?

In B2B Lead Generation, the building blocks for hyper-personalization are to establish personas, create personalized content, and customer touchpoints. Businesses must respond to buyer requirements in real-time to offer a hyper-personalized customer experience. Creating a buyer persona is critical for hyper-personalization. But what is a buyer persona?

A buyer persona is a research-based profile that represents a target customer. Buyer personas help companies ensure that all activities involved in acquiring and serving customers are tailored to the targeted buyer’s needs. In B2B, it’s best to develop buyer personas based on business-related attributes.

How to Use Hyper-Personalization in B2B Lead Generation

According to a recent survey by Google and Econsultancy, 90% of B2B marketers believe that hyper-personalization is equivalent to profitability. You might understand the importance of hyper-personalization but it can be a major challenge to figure out how to implement it to improve your lead generation strategy. To help you step on the right foot, here are five easy ways to incorporate hyper-personalization in your B2B lead gen strategy:

  1. Boost Your Website Personalization

Landing pages are considered to be a big lead generation tool for your website. Personalizing websites is not just a walk in the park. First, you need to create a custom landing page for each buyer type. Here are three simple ways to do it.

  • Gather information on current customers
  • Track where your site visitors come from
  • Conduct poll

The more data you get, the better you can craft a custom landing page for each buyer type. Use cookies to remind visitors of areas they’ve visited on your website before or to welcome them back. Plus, if your visitors sign up for an account and input their details, you can even greet them by their name when they visit your website.

  1. Invest in Artificial Intelligence

Another way of implementing hyper-personalization is to invest in AI. AI-driven hyper-personalization tools such as chatbots and recommendation engines enable you to tailor conversations to customers’ needs and deliver truly hyper-personalized customer service.

For an effective hyper-personalization strategy, it is essential that the data you collect is accurate and contextually relevant. Using natural language processing, sentiment analysis, and AI tools such as neural networks can help businesses unify unstructured data more easily and produce relevant and highly contextual communications.

  1. Determine Your Site Visitor’s Pain Points

There is a reason your website visitors used the keywords that led them to your site. They want to solve a problem. Determine the issues your users deal with and the reasons they might come your way, and then do your best to explain in the first moments how you can solve that situation for them.

Once you’ve addressed the pain point and shared basic information on how you can answer the problem, lead them deeper down to your sales funnel. Invite them to share their information for a custom solution.

  1. Provide Relevant Offers

According to the Personalization Pulse Check from Accenture Interactive, 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with retailers that give them relevant offers and recommendations. How do you provide this? Here are three points to remember:

  • Identify Your Industry – If you understand why people turn to you for a solution, you can provide more relevant information.
  • Know Your Customers – Dig into your internal data. Read through customer reviews, address negative reviews and maintain the positives.
  • Segment Your Mailing List – Send offers that match past buying behavior to audience segments.

Keep in mind that the more targeted your offer is, the more likely the person will become a lead or a buyer.

  1. Develop a Smart Database

Sales teams are more efficient with more information. Implement strategies that help you gather as much detail as possible about potential customers, and then turn them into high-quality leads. Here are some of the elements you must add to a database to help you create stronger buyer personas:

  • Demographics: Personal information of your target audiences such as age, sex, and occupation. This helps you use ads that speak to a highly targeted audience.
  • Location: Where is your target audience? Determine the location of your target audience.
  • Behaviors: Do your customers have anything in common? Pay attention to the little details to create ads and offers that are suitable to their lifestyles.

Keep in mind that the more detailed your database, the easier it is to advertise and generate new leads.

Hyper-personalization is essential in your B2B Lead Generation strategy. Not only does it provide a more human approach to your lead gen campaigns but it also increases your chances to capture potential leads in the future.

Are you looking for the best B2B Lead Generation Services in the US? Markable Solutions is the right option. We provide end-to-end B2B lead generation services and ensure a consistent flow of (hot) sales-ready leads for your Salesforce using an integrated marketing approach. Interested? Talk to us today!

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