A Practical Guide to Generate ABM Content Syndication Leads

A Practical Guide to Generate ABM Content Syndication Leads

ABM Content syndication is starting to create a buzz in the world of account-based marketing (ABM). Once commonly an under performing channel, content syndication now plays an essential role in most ABM campaigns. In fact, content syndication beats other marketing initiatives by 85%, according to ITSMA research. For businesses who want to grow their sales pipeline, improve their lead nurturing, and increase the ROI of their content marketing, then ABM content syndication is the ultimate choice.

What Is Content Syndication?

Content Syndication is a cost-efficient B2B lead generation strategy. It is the process of distributing content that’s already been published on company-owned digital assets. In other words, it enables companies to republish original content from their websites to third-party websites. Whitepapers, blogs, webinars, and info graphics are some examples of content assets that can be used in content syndication.


Why Should You Use Content Syndication in Your ABM Campaigns?

Here are four reasons why businesses should use content syndication in their ABM campaigns:


Nurture Leads Effectively

Did you know that 95% of B2B marketers say that account-based marketing drives marketing success? When businesses combine Account Based Marketing and content syndication, they can nurture leads in a highly effective way. Content syndication is the ideal way to nurture leads as you’ll position your brand as a trustworthy source of content in the minds of your repeat customers and prospects.


Increase Content Relevance

A crucial benefit of using content syndication in your ABM campaigns is that you can make it highly personalized. In fact, 87% of consumers believed that personally branded content positively influences their feelings about a brand. Content syndication can help companies identify what stage of the buying process a lead is in, they can then reach out directly and share their content with prospects before any of their competitors do.


Boost Lead Quality

Using content syndication in your ABM campaigns will increase your aggregate lead quality across the board as you’ll be nurturing leads and providing them with the content they want to read, watch, or listen to.


Enhance Cold Sales Pitch

When using content syndication in your ABM campaigns, you’ll be able to share valuable content to nurture leads systematically. Your sales reps will have a far easier time closing new business if prospects are already buying into the success your solution will help them achieve.


How to Build a Successful ABM Content Syndication Program

Here are a few steps to build a successful ABM content syndication program:


Select Target Accounts

Create an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) for your content syndication program. An ICP is a list of your target accounts that are not currently in your sales pipeline. It should include the demographic parameters, including their company, current role, and responsibilities, etc.


Find the Right Vendors

Research and select vendors who support ABM content syndication. Find a syndication vendor that will provide you with access to intent data. Intent data can help businesses gain valuable insights into a prospect’s current needs. It even helps you identify leads actively looking for your brand/product.


Choose Your Content

Content selection should be geared towards those who have little to no knowledge of your company or your products/services. You can offer “Thought leadership” or “Awareness” content as these come in many different forms such as a whitepaper, an eBook, or a video format, and provide educational content targeted at your target accounts.


Establish a Lead Nurturing Strategy

Once you have generated high-quality leads through ABM content syndication, it’s time to develop a framework to nurture those leads. Your sales teams should follow up on these leads to better assess their requirements. An automated email series can also be used to follow up on these leads.


Monitor Your ABM Content Syndication

Monitoring plays an important role in your ABM content syndication strategy. Evaluate the quality and quantity of leads you generate through your syndication vendors. Determine the percentage of leads that convert into customers. Utilize these insights to inform your decision-making and enhance your ABM content syndication strategy.


Creating great content is one thing, but when you syndicate and promote it to your target accounts, you’ll start to see noticeable differences in your pipeline growth and how easy it is to close new business as leads will be nurtured, and will see you as a trusted partner.


Looking for the best third-party provider who can give you the best content syndication services? Markable Solutions is your perfect choice. We offer effective and efficient content syndication services that can generate high-quality leads and increase sales. Call us now! We’re excited to hear your story!

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