B2B White Paper Promotion Tips for Startups

B2B White Paper Promotion Tips for Startups

For B2B startups, promoting your first White Paper is just like promoting a new book – you have to do a lot of background marketing beforehand. Doing it ahead of time helps create a buzz and excitement to get more people to line up to read it as soon as the book is published. But unlike marketing a book, you don’t need to market your White Paper for a couple of months before you publish it. If you begin your marketing a week or two before you plan to publish, you should have plenty of time to create excitement and prepare to engage your readers.

B2B White Paper Promotion Tips for Startups

If you want to launch with a bang, getting hundreds of people to read your paper as soon as it’s published, make sure you follow these tips.

– Make a distribution plan

Before promoting a White Paper, you need to have a distribution plan. You need to make a plan and set a date ahead of time and stick to it. Have your White Papers ready at least a week or two in advance. Make sure it is edited, designed, proofread, and reviewed. Doing these things will ensure that when the publish date comes you won’t have to deal with these issues.

– Create a landing page

The goal of the landing page is to get the reader to provide contact details. It should be short and persuasive. According to Website Magazine, 80% of the visitors of a blog are new visits, while only 20% are repeat visitors. This data means that most of the online users who visit your blog will probably never visit it again, and they might never find or read your White Paper. But if you publish your White Papers on a landing page in advance and collect personal information from your readers, you will make sure that your White Papers get read by more visitors.

– Write a series of relevant posts

Attract traffic to your blog in preparation for your White Paper promotion by writing a series of relevant blog posts. At the end of the blogs, have a call-to-action that informs the reader about your upcoming White Papers and links to the landing pages. Doing this increases landing page traffic and encourages more people to sign up to read the White Paper. Some of the content you use in your blogs can even be excerpted from your White Papers. At the end of the blogs, be sure to include a link to your landing page and a call-to-action that asks the reader to register.

– Do guest posts

Writing guest posts on popular blogs can help launch White Papers for B2B startups. If you want this technique to work, target blogs that focus on the same topic as the one your White Paper covers. Just as with your blogs, don’t forget to include a call-to-action and a link to your White Paper to increase your landing page traffic and boost registration. Writing all these guest posts will also have some long-term benefits —establishing your company as an expert and convince readers that they will find your White Paper to be useful.

– Get reviews

A proven way to gain traction for your White Paper is to get people to review it. If you know an expert or someone who has a popular blog in the same niche, make a preview copy of your White Papers and ask them if they would write a review and post it on their blog. The association with an established expert can increase your White Paper’s credibility. If your connections are too busy to write a full review, ask them if they would be willing to read it and provide a short review. You can add these short reviews to your landing page, which can help make it more convincing and add additional validity for your White Papers.

– Look for a B2B marketing service provider

One of the most effective ways to promote your White Papers is to look for a reliable B2B marketing service provider who will do the job of promoting your White Papers to a larger group of individuals especially your target market. These providers know exactly what you needed since they are experts in B2B White Paper promotion.

For instance, Markable Solutions is a B2B marketing company offering White Paper Syndication services for startups, SMEs, and even hi-tech companies. So what are you waiting for? Talk to us now!

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