Content Is King … Still True?

Content Is King … Still True?

We’ve all heard the phrase “content is king” … but is it? To stand out in this age of information overload, a company has to differentiate itself continually. To keep reinventing itself. The best way to do this is to feed the SEO machine with new content constantly.

Content Is King … If It’s Relevant

Relevancy is important. It comes from first figuring out what customers want, and then developing a plan to meet that need. After all, once you’ve honed in on the need, generating captivating content can convince customers of the business’ ability to fulfill those needs. Become an expert of your audience, and content ideas will start emerging … and keep emerging.

It is not enough to put out great catchy phrases once or twice. Content must be dynamic, if it is to keep getting discovered by customers and move the needle on sales. Digital media analysts have learned that the median article lifespan to be 2.6 days. How’s that for a pointer on how frequently you should be posting new content to your site?

Bill Gates – Prophet, or Just Real Smart?

Back in the mid-nineties, Bill Gates said: Content is king. Gates cautioned that people must be rewarded with deep and extremely up-to-date information … audio, and possibly video. It was both an observation of those times as well as a prophetic statement.

We, young marketing enthusiasts at the time, agreed that producing winning content was the key to marketing success. Since then content has been crowned king all over again because of the sheer volume of information being absorbed by search engines.

A 2015 Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs survey shows 54% of B2B marketers and 50% of B2C marketers cited “producing engaging content” as a top challenge.

The short of all this is: Content Marketing War has begun – The battle for audience attention and desirable sales action. No matter who wins, CONTENT IS KING … and always will be.

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