Five Authentic B2B Lead Generation Channels for 2022

Five Authentic B2B Lead Generation Channels for 2022

In today’s digital world, business-to-business (B2B) lead generation becomes a lot harder than business-to-consumer (B2C). With social media platforms constantly evolving, using the same content and strategies will begin to fall short. Since the world of digital marketing is also changing, companies have to learn how to keep up with these changes. If they don’t, they might struggle to keep up with the rising competition. That’s why B2B companies need to stay up-to-date with trends in the industry.According to a recent study by Ruler Analytics, 95% of marketers believe they know which B2B lead generation channels can generate the most leads for their business. The study suggests that companies should determine the right lead generation channel to help them generate more leads in today’s competitive world.

Five Authentic B2B Lead Generation Channels for 2022

In this blog, you will learn about the five proven B2B lead generation channels for 2022 and how to utilize them effectively.

  1. Brand Partnerships

Major companies in every industry have brand authority, a wide audience, and profitable connections. You can utilize their influence to your advantage by forming strategic brand partnerships. For instance, if you’re a B2B company that offers office rental services to startups,you can partner with businesses like major marketing agencies to refer businesses to your space to rent out for team meetings and events. In return, you can pitch their marketing services to people who use your space. A partnership with an influencer marketer can also help B2B sales lead generation companies to gain new leads. influencer marketers have numerous followers and by tapping them, you can attract a specific target audience effectively. In return, you can help influencer marketers grow their followers.

  1. Organic Search

Search engines are still a major marketing channel for B2B sales lead generation companies. With search engine optimization, companies are able to attract users that are actively searching for the types of services or products they offer.Optimize your website by targeting the specific keywords users are searching for. Make your website fast and mobile-friendly to visitors. Publish valuable content that your target audience wants to read.

  1. Webinars & Podcasts

The competition for podcasting will be heating up in 2023. B2B sales lead generation companies can get ahead by becoming guest speakers and conducting interviews to reach a niche audience and strengthen their brand awareness. Webinars and podcasts establish an incredible opportunity to talk about your business and the services you offer other business owners. You can answer customer questions, talk about your products and services, and even share the content across your own platforms.

  1. Email Marketing

According to a recent study by Strategic, 42% of companies consider email marketing to be one of their most important B2B lead generation channels. If you have an existing list, you can reach subscribers with a well-researched email campaign. B2B sales lead generation companies can also nurture leads with email marketing that’s tailored to their particular interests and stage in the sales cycle. Make sure to send follow-up emails to show that you really want to provide the best services to your target audience.

  1. Conferences & Event Networking

Conducting or attending conferences and events is B2B lead generation 101. Building trust and authority in your industry is still essential, and good old-fashioned networking is not dying any time soon. Providing a value-packed presentation is an effective way to share your knowledge and give a subtle pitch to your products or services. B2B sales lead generation companies can also re-share video recordings across social media or write up an article that summarizes the event to share on their blogs.

In the fast-moving digital world, it is important for B2B companies to keep up with the latest lead generation channels in order to be agile, flexible, and adaptive, and thus stay ahead of the competitors.Incorporating these five impeccable B2B lead generation channels can help you generate more leads and achieve business growth.

Do you want to improve your lead gen strategies? Maybe we can help. Markable Solutions provide the best B2B lead generation services perfectly tailored to your business needs. So, what are you waiting for? Talk to us now! We’re happy to elevate your brand presence. 

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