Five B2B Marketing Trends to Consider in 2021

Five B2B Marketing Trends to Consider in 2021

B2B Marketing Trends – The tectonic shift caused by the pandemic has affected many industries including the B2B marketing industry. For instance, a B2B marketing agency in US needs to adapt to the changing needs of society in order to provide the best marketing services in 2021. That said, 2021 will establish digitally-powered B2B marketing trends that enhance previous B2B selling tactics such as differentiating your products and services from competitors, focusing on customer retention strategies, maintaining sync with social media marketing, and positioning the product correctly to the audience.


Why Do B2B Marketing Trends Matter For Any Business?


The pandemic has demanded a quantum leap in B2B digital marketing trends which have become a necessity more than a need. For a B2B company in US, a brief understanding of the latest B2B marketing tactics can help rework marketing strategies, find loopholes, and even outpace the competition. With these in mind, many B2B companies are on a hunt for the best B2B marketing trends in 2021 to leverage their strategies better than the previous year.


Five B2B Marketing Trends to Consider in 2021

So, without further ado, let’s have a look at the five best marketing trends for 2021.

Adopting an Omnichannel marketing strategy

According to, businesses that take up omnichannel strategies achieve 91% greater customer retention rates than those who don’t. In 2021, omnichannel marketing is not just a B2B marketing tactic but facilitates brand-customer interactions across different devices. For example, a B2B marketing company in USthat offers omnichannel marketing services can help their clients capture more leads across all channels, including digital, social, and other internet-based platforms. The more clients you have on-board, the better is your ROI, and the earlier you can outpace the competition.

Now, don’t confuse omnichannel marketing with multi-channel marketing since the former connects consumerson different channels, whereas the latter makes all channels available to a customer but not necessarily in an integrated manner.

Applying the Concept of Retention Marketing

Listening to your new customers is good but worshiping your loyal customers is better – that’s the concept of retention marketing. According to Harvard Business Review, a 5% increase in customer retention translates to a 25% to 95% increase in profits. In 2021, the concept of retention marketing requires a set of activities that maintains and facilitates customer relationships, thus ensuring continued sales, lower cost per sale, and keeping a steady ROI funnel.

After all, the better your retention marketing strategies, the more your sales grow. And let’s be realistic, getting a new customer is always 5-25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one. You will invest time and resources in finding a new customer, and then some other money in keeping them happy.

Voice Search is Now a Major B2B Marketing Trend

While voice search launched as a grocery store list aggregator and note-takers, customers are now using it to play their favorite songs, ask questions, and get directions.That said, voice search is in demand by the modern audience especially in the B2B world, and as per research, over one billion searches globally are made by voice. In fact, stated that voice search is expected to reach 5 billion by the year 2021 and 6.4 billion in the year 2022.

Optimizing search results done by voice is as essential as with text. Voice searches tend to be sentence-based, which is why B2B companies should use make long-tail keywords a part of their search engine optimization strategy. This way, their website will gain greater visibility and reach a larger group of customers, especially the ones that conduct such searches.

The Rise of Predictive Analysis in the B2B World

Predictive analysis involves predicting future outcomes by utilizing historical data and analysis techniques. Modern technologies such as statistical modeling and machine learning allow a B2B marketing company in USAto gain deeper insights into their previous campaigns, forecast customer trends, examine behavioral aspects, and tweak future marketing strategies based on derived inferences.

In 2021, predictive analysis helps B2B companies attract, retain, and nurture new and existing customers. They can also use predictive analysis to optimize their marketing campaigns, generate more leads, drive more conversions, and present cross-selling opportunities.

Investing in Paid Marketing

Paid marketing is about putting you in the spotlight, getting all the attention you need, and spruce up leads generated. In fact, search ads receive twice as many clicks as organic listings. A B2B marketing agency in USAcan help you combine paid and organic strategies and elevate brand awareness levels, improve Search Engine Result Page visibility, and garner high traffic. A study from stated that 54% of companies are leveraging paid ads along with content marketing to ace up their B2B skills.

Do you want to incorporate these B2B marketing trends in your business? Markable Solutions provides the best B2B marketing services in the US. So what are you waiting for? Talk to us now!

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