Five SEO Techniques for IT and Technology Companies

Five SEO Techniques for IT and Technology Companies

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for IT and technology companies can be tough. Why? A significant portion of these companies’ target audiences doesn’t consume or search for content as many others do. Most of these audiences consist of professionals who seek technical content. Therefore, crafting search-engine-optimized content for the IT and tech audience involves discussing highly specialized and complex topics in a simple but thorough way.


According to a recent study from Hubspot, 61% of marketers consider SEO efforts and boosting organic presence their top inbound marketing priority. This means that IT and tech companies can use SEO techniques to help their sales and marketing teams formulate marketing strategies that can generate leads and gain profits in 2022. Investing in Search Engine Marketing Services is definitely a good move for IT and tech companies to improve their website traffic and attract new visitors in today’s competitive world.


Five SEO Techniques for IT and Technology Companies

Now that we’ve established the importance of SEO in the IT and tech industry, it’s time to start developing our SEO strategy for IT and technology companies. Check out these five SEO techniques:


Know Your Target Audience

For the IT and tech industry, it’s critical to know who your target audience is and what they are searching for. Take time to determine your buyer personas. Doing this will help you tailor your content to their specific pain point. Keep in mind that your target audience is often looking for specific, detailed, and technical information as opposed to the usual sales pitch.


Once you nail down their interest areas, create a list of keywords that your prospective buyers used in search engines. This is essential so that your audience find your business via organic search. Using search engine marketing services can also help you identify your target audience’s interests, desires, and needs.


Publish New Content Regularly

If you want to build a solid reputation for specific tech-related keywords and IT topics, be consistent in your messaging and the frequency of publishing fresh content. Maintaining this consistency helps build credibility and helps search engines identify your website as a trusted resource and go-to thought leader in your industry. Regularly publishing new content can also send signals to Google that your website isn’t stale. Fresh content shows relevancy as long as it’s well-written and consists of relevant keywords.


Just make sure that your content is consistent with what your target audience is looking for, and help search engines establish a pattern of what your brand wants to be known for.


Upgrade Your Page Load Time

Nothing will drive visitors away faster than a slow website – specifically, if you’re marketing a technology product or service. In 2022, visitors are expecting sites to load in under two seconds; if not, they’ll move on to the next search result on the page. In fact, Google’s algorithms are getting “wiser” all the time and may penalize slow websites and high bounce rates.


Investing in search engine marketing services and using Google’s tool can help you analyze your own website and see where improvements can be made. Simple website fixes such as decreasing image sizes and optimizing their format for the web can reduce page load times.


Create Geo-Targeted Website Pages

Did you know that one-third of searches on Google are related to location? It simply shows that companies who take time to create website pages specific to cities or regions, places in which your company has offices, or areas you commonly provide services will remarkably improve your reach and visibility.


While IT and tech businesses do much of their work remotely, they can still create geo-targeted website pages using search engine marketing services provided by a third-party provider like Markable Solutions.


Maximize the Power of On-Page SEO Elements

While you’re focusing on crafting fresh content that contains important keywords and topics, don’t forget to follow on-page SEO best practices as well. “Keyword stuffing” can be the major SEO blunder, so make sure to weave keywords into elements such as page title, alt tags, meta descriptions, and URL titles.


Always remember that on-page SEO elements won’t do much good if your content is not valuable, to begin with. Stick to educational content that solves problems and resonates with your visitors rather than promotional content that focuses on your technology solutions.


These five techniques are just some practical ways you can utilize to improve your SEO and be on your way to bringing more prospective clients in the door. It’s best to find the best digital marketing agency that offers the best search engine marketing services so you can concentrate on your core competencies.


Do you want to improve your SEO strategies? Markable Solutions is the perfect companion for IT and tech companies. We follow ethical SEO techniques to increase a website’s search ranking by doing quality link building, social and content marketing. Markable Solutions can also creatively manage your paid advertising campaigns right from campaign set-up on different paid platforms, keyword research, bidding, A/B ad testing, and reporting. So, what are you waiting for? Call us now!

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