Four Social Media Trends to Incorporate in Your Digital Marketing Campaign

Four Social Media Trends

Social media has now become the most critical part of any digital marketing campaign. Most people spend several hours on various social media platforms, connecting with friends and looking for valuable information. According to a recent study from Statista, over 4.4 billion people will be using various social media by 2025. The popularity of social media and its prevalence in our lives are the key indicators that companies need to have the right social media marketing strategies to boost their sales and revenue. For that reason, many B2B companies consider promoting their services on social media to connect with this large online audience. Maximizing the power of social media can take your business a notch higher and overcome the competition.

Moreover, the world of social media marketing is evolving too fast. For instance, some promotional campaigns that may have been very effective in the last few years may not apply in today’s ever-changing world. For that reason, your brand may want to pay attention to the latest social media trends and incorporate them into your digital marketing strategy.

Four Social Media Trends to Incorporate in Your Digital Marketing Campaign

If you are interested in incorporating social media trends in your campaigns, this blog will definitely help you. Here are four social media marketing trends to watch out for in 2022.

  1. Influencer Marketing

Hiring influencers is one of the latest and most effective trends in the social media marketing world. Influencer marketing is the practice of hiring social media personalities to promote your products or services. Most of these personalities have vast audiences and loyal followers. As the name suggests, influencers can easily influence their followers’ decisions. This is possible because they have already developed rapport and trust with their supporters. So, including influencers in your digital marketing campaigns increases your chances of gaining more leads and you’ll likely grow your brand faster.

  1. AI Technology

Artificial intelligence (AI) is another social media marketing trend to incorporate into your campaigns in 2022. It involves programming machines to mimic human actions and responds to customers’ concerns naturally. With artificial intelligence technology, brands can automatically respond to customers’ queries and promote excellent customer experiences to increase their chances of generating more sales. 

  1. Live streaming

Live video has been around for a while, but it’s only now becoming an essential part of customers’social media experience. Live streaming gives brands a way to connect with potential customers in real-time and allows them to share their products and services with others who can’t be physically present.When creating content on your social media channels, do incorporate live streaming into your digital marketing strategy. Not sure how this might work? One example is using live-streamed events such as Q&As or product or service launch parties as an opportunity to engage with potential clients on a deeper level.

  1. Social Media Marketing Outsourcing

Outsourcing is one of the best social media marketing trends you need to incorporate into your campaigns. It’s a practice of hiring a third-party marketing company like Markable Solutions to complement your internal workers. There are many benefits of outsourcing your social media function. For instance, it enables you to minimize labor costs. You won’t need to hire dozens of in-house employees. The agency will also be responsible for managing your social media accounts to increase followers and engagements. This allows brands to generate more leads and sales in 2022.

Incorporating social media promotions into your digital marketing strategy is one of the best ways to grow your company faster. This is because social media is one of the most utilized platforms in today’s modern times. Therefore, utilizing these social media trends enable brands to connect with millions of potential clients worldwide, thus boosting their brand visibility and increasing their sales revenue in the long run.

Do you want to boost your social media presence in 2022? Are you tired of your old digital marketing campaigns and strategies? Markable Solutions is all you need. We offer comprehensive and effective social media marketing services suitable for your needs. So, what are you waiting for? Call us today! We’re excited to help you and see you achieve your goals.

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