While back-office support is composed of a variety of behind-the-scenes roles that do not directly interact with the customer or a prospect, data has proven that the back office is responsible for 60% of the customer experience. Therefore, businesses that have a significant gap between their front and back offices could be at risk of providing bad customer service. Without good customer service, businesses can reduce their efficiency and eventually increase their customer churn.

Back office support operations are vital to successful business performance which can enable greater efficiency at the front office and the delivery of better customer service. Companies that fail to seamlessly blend back-office systems with marketing campaigns can encounter persistent problems in the future. Outsourcing back-office services to a reliable third-party provider, like Markable Solutions can help businesses improve their back-office functions and eventually enhance their marketing campaigns in today’s challenging world. But how back-office support can impact your marketing campaigns? Let’s find out!

How Back-Office Support Can Impact Your Marketing Campaigns

Back-office support functions should help strengthen the infrastructure of your business by establishing and maintaining efficient business operations. In this article, we focus mainly on how back-office support can impact your marketing campaigns.

Improves Data Management

Data management is an important part of boosting your marketing campaigns. This means having the ability to analyze, process, and mine data to produce useful insights that can be used in your marketing campaigns. The data analyst is a key player in the back-office support operations. Their primary duties are analyzing data points that can be used to forecast marketing trends, implementing various collection methods, and interpreting data.

Develops Better Marketing Operations

Some back-office functions are also in line with the tasks in the marketing department. Social media monitoring, marketing support, and web development are some of the back-office support tasks that businesses have in their operations. In terms of marketing campaigns, front office marketing teams are rewarded for increasing sales, whereas back-office marketing operations are rewarded for reducing costs. That being said, when both front and back-office marketing teams work together, the company will have a better understanding of the customer and the knowledge required to implement successful marketing strategies.

Enhances Customer Services

We all know that the back-office support is responsible for clerical and organizational tasks to support your business operations. It also helps the marketing teams improve customer services through collaboration and providing the right insights suitable for your marketing campaigns. For instance, if your back-office teams conduct comprehensive research to study your repeat customers and prospects, they can provide the right information on how to enhance your customer services in the future.

Maximizes the Power of Social Media Platforms

Social media monitoring is one of the emerging tasks in back-office support. This means that most back-office teams are now implementing better social media skills to help companies improve their marketing campaigns. Moreover, most back-office support services in the US, including Markable Solutions are now offering social media monitoring services to clients worldwide. With the insights from social media platforms such as customer behaviors, activities, and buying processes, marketing teams can use social media to improve their marketing campaigns.

Creating efficient and effective marketing campaigns requires the unity of the front and back offices. Without back-office support, your marketing campaigns will suffer. The back office has the ability to understand your customers’ DNA, develop an excellent customer experience, maintain stable marketing operations, and even utilize social media platforms effectively.

Do you want to improve your back-office functions and marketing campaigns? We can help you with that. Markable Solutions provides back-office support services for startups that require assistance with their back offices. We have a well-trained team composed of professionals who are trained to support organizational and auxiliary processes. Our back-office services include administrative and personal assistance, order fulfillment services, transaction processing services, data management, and many more. Let us help you with your administrative activities so that you can focus on the core operations of your company.

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