How to Build Video Campaigns That Accelerate Lead Nurturing

How to Build Video Campaigns That Accelerate Lead Nurturing

Build Video Campaigns – In this digital age, video marketing has become more beneficial to businesses and organizations around the world. In fact, video can also develop your B2B lead generation process at every stage of your buyer’s journey. You can use video marketing to increase brand-name association during the awareness stage, engage leads during the consideration stage, or nurture a “yes” during the decision stage.


According to Wyzowl’s State of Video Marketing Survey, 92% of marketers say that video played an essential role in their marketing strategy in 2020. This has grown from 78% in 2015, showing that the importance of video is only growing. Moreover, 88% of marketers believe that video marketing offers them positive ROI.

Five Types of Marketing Videos

Before you start filming, you first need to decide the type of video(s) you want to create. Check out this B2B lead generation agencies’ list to better understand your options.


    1. Demo Videos

A demo video is a type of marketing video that showcases how your product works — whether that’s taking viewers on a tour of your product/service or showing them how you can enhance their offerings.


    1. Brand Videos

Brand videos are usually created as a part of an advertising campaign, presenting the company’s high-level vision, mission, or products and services.


    1. Explainer Videos

This type of marketing video is used to help your audience better understand why they need your product or service.


    1. Expert Interviews

Filming interviews with internal experts or thought leaders in your industry is a great way to build trust and authority with your target audience.


    1. Customer Testimonial Videos

One of the best ways to prove this is by creating case study videos that feature satisfied, loyal customers.


How to Build Video Campaigns

If you want to create video campaigns that accelerate lead nurturing, read and follow these simple yet effective B2B lead generation companies’ steps:


Step 1: Choose the Right Audience


When choosing the right audience for your video campaigns, you need to consider the following questions:

  • Have a look at your current customer base
  • How can you profile them? What pain point are you solving?
  • Where do they spend time online?

These questions are the foundation of who you’ll target and how you will communicate your message.


Step 2: Nail Your Video Goal


Your video campaigns need to be short and direct.  Create a specific goal for each video campaign.  Stick to one concrete goal for each of them so you’ll be able to achieve it.


Step 3: Devise Your Brand Language


Before creating your video campaigns write down:

What do you want the viewer to remember about your business after this video is over?

Then as you begin the creation process, go back to your answer to this essential question. Next, add another inquiry to your agenda:

Will the viewer remember us specifically?

Doing this will definitely devise your brand language.


Step 4: Create Your Content


When creating content for your video campaigns, make sure that to have the following:

  • A script – which you can use as a guide
  • A storyboard – to visualize your video campaign


Step 5: Run Your Campaign


Once you have created your video campaigns, it’s time to run them on your preferred platform. You can use your website and social media platforms so your customers and prospects can see them immediately. Just make sure that your captions have links to the right web pages where they can contact you with sales inquiries.


Incorporating video into your marketing strategy offers all sorts of positive outcomes, from getting more leads to delighting existing customers into becoming repeat business, and everything else in between.


Looking for a B2B lead generation marketing service provider to help you create great video campaigns? Choose Markable Solutions! We provide the best lead generation services and digital marketing campaigns tailored to your needs. Contact us now!

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