How to Get High Quality Leads Through White Paper Syndication?

How to Get High Quality Leads Through White Paper Syndication?

In B2B digital marketing, a white paper is a long-form content intended to promote products or services, using selected facts and logical arguments to build the case. When someone wants to read a white paper, they are required to register contact details before downloading, which makes them a valuable lead generation tool.

How to Get High Quality Leads Through White Paper Syndication?

White Papers are more in-depth than an average article or blog post. These long-form content can range from 2-3 pages to over 50 pages, depending on the topic and the level of complexity. The purpose of a white paper is to educate your target audience about a specific topic, which relates to your business offering. Most B2B companies use White Papers to:

  • Introduce a new product/service
  • Present industry trends
  • Offer an in-depth look at the problems solved by their offering
  • Explore a topic of interest to their audience in more detail

White Papers are also meant to be informative, not sales-oriented, and are usually aimed at lead generation during the consideration stage of the buying journey. A report from DemandGen showed 82% of B2B buyers depend on the data and analysis provided in White Papers to guide their purchasing choices.

Developing High-Quality White Papers

So, what does it take to write a White Paper that generates high-quality leads? Here are the main steps to follow:

  1. Identify your prospects’ persona and pain points. Your sales team can be helpful, so consult with them for the main objections they experience day-to-day.
  2. Define the most valuable aspect of your product offering for resolving those pain points, and make that the headline of your White Paper. Speaking directly to your prospects will get attention right away, prompting them to read further your White Paper.
  3. The body of your White Paper should cover all of your prospects’ pain points and provide an objective array of possible solutions included in your product/service. This will help build the audience’s trust and avoid the White Paper coming off sounding like a marketing ploy.
  4. Include a Call-to-Action to urge readers to act by telling them the benefits that they get if they want to read your White Paper.
  5. Proofread your White Paper carefully, add compelling images that prove your point, and get a graphic designer to set it up in a way that’s easy to read and refer to.
Gating Your White Papers

Gate the White Paper so you can collect the readers’ information such as contact details and other data before getting access to it. Gating White Paper is an effective lead generation tool because it gives you intelligence about your audience, their companies, and designations. Make sure that you position your White Paper to be so valuable that prospects are willing to share information on their company and their contact information in return for downloading it.

Distributing B2B White Papers

It’s recommended that you publish your white paper as a PDF on your website, but there’s no guarantee your prospects will discover and download it. For an effective lead generation, you’ll need to distribute and promote it where your prospects will see it. Here are some of the ways to distribute your White Paper:

  • Create a landing page on your website
  • Link it in your blogs
  • Promote it using social media updates and email
  • Distribute printed copies at in-person meetings and events

A White Paper highlights your value to your targeted audience. For businesses specializing in B2B solutions or processes, a White Paper enables you to present your points of differentiation, prove your claims, and have the high-quality lead generation you need to boost your company’s growth.

Markable Solutions takes pride in serving our most preferred services – White Paper Syndication Service. We help clients share their valued White Paper via online marketing, tele-nurture activities and paid web syndication.

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