Improve Operational Efficiency with Back office Support Services in 2023

At the threshold of the New Year, businesses need to introspect, look at the big picture and optimize their options. They need to delegate the responsibility of back office operations to a reputed back office support company that can handle the responsibility well.

Back office support services are vital and complement the front office operations and ensure that the business as a whole functions properly. They include those services that happen at the back end without facing the customers. These functions happen at the back end, but their functioning impacts all the front-end business activities. Various activities are included in the back office, such as payroll management, IT, accounting, human resource management, and B2B lead generation.

Outsourcing has been a popular trend that businesses are adopting to cut costs and focus on their mission-critical tasks. Outsourcing services to a reliable back office support company helps businesses gain flexibility and adaptability to changing scenarios- dealing with uncertain times such as the pandemic or keeping pace with technological advancements.

Let’s discuss why your company needs Back office support services

  • IT Support Services: Businesses get access to a skilled and large pool of talent with core and interdisciplinary skills. According to ISG Research, 92% of G2000 companies use IT outsourcing. Several companies outsource their IT services to ensure better efficiency and smooth functioning. Instead of setting up an in-house department that requires continuous monitoring and results in overhead expenses, businesses find it best to outsource IT skills. So, it would be best to hire a back office support company to streamline IT services. Businesses can mitigate the risk that comes with the non-availability of skilled staff at the time of need and instead rely on our specialized company with a large team that can handle all the requirements efficiently.


  • Payroll management: It is one of the most time-consuming functions, and it’s always a good idea to rely on experts to get support for this crucial back-office function of the organization. The outsourced company will help you manage the accurate calculation and processing of the remuneration and ensure compliance with the relevant HRM rules and regulations. It offers managing documentation for payouts, pensions, and leaves, employee benefits and provides high employee satisfaction while reducing overheads and increasing efficiency.


  • Content Creation: Content is the future of a business’s brand identity- a huge industry thriving on unique and innovative content ideas with professional execution. According to the Content Marketing Research Institute, 80%- (a huge number!) of B2B marketers use content marketing for lead generation.

Companies that invest in content creation and distribution will succeed because it will help them reach out to their target audience like never before. Users are consuming content more than ever, and it would be best if you outsourced this activity to companies proficient in it. Blogging, YouTube script writing, posting content, or video marketing in every type of content creation- digital marketing services providers will support you.

  • HRM /Staffing: It is one of the most popular back-end services outsourced. As per NAPEO – National Association of Professional Employer Organizations, companies that outsource HR can save an average of 27.2! The primary reason is that with an efficient HRM system in place, the business can optimally utilize the capabilities of a qualified workforce and achieve its goals and objectives. A back-office company offers an end-to-end hiring process. It assists you in meeting your staffing requirements quickly, whether it’s about hiring permanent staff or Agile/ POD teams- they meet all your staffing requirements cost-efficiently.


  • B2B Lead Generation: Lead generation is the crux on which a business thrives in a competitive marketplace and ensures business continuity. Companies can outsource the B2B lead generation process to a skilled B2B lead generation company that can provide verified market-qualified leads. Lead Generation outsourcing is more efficient than in-house. Companies can take over from them and start nurturing leads to acquiring more and more customers. According to Finances Online– 56% of B2B companies exceed their revenue goals with effective lead generation.


  • A back-office support company can provide robust support to a company seeking a high-quality B2B lead generation process. They have the expertise and experience to get the best-qualified leads to your table. Hire a B2B lead generation company and speed up the lead generation process with their expertise. Focus on conversions and adding more customers to your database.

A business can perform its core function of sales and marketing and promote business growth only if it is supported well by a company that can help them with lead generation. If you need leads in high volume, and if your sales team is grappling with issues generating high-quality leads and you want to learn about the ROI of your marketing team, it’s time to rely on a reputed lead generation company that can offer you the desired results. It will assist you in generating high-quality leads and provide you with a well-structured strategy to get maximum conversions.


Back office support is necessary to support a business’s front desk or mainstream operations. It acts as the backbone of the company and thus needs to be executed properly.

It allows companies to focus on the core competencies of the business. Smooth back-end operations ensure that the business operates seamlessly.

If you are looking forward to getting back office support services, you need to connect with a reputed company with a proven track record. Markable Solutions is a leading B2B lead generation company offering back-office support services. With a thoroughly trained staff, we help businesses streamline back-office operations.

Our end-to-end support services include Business support which facilitates daily business dealings, transaction reporting, Administrative assistance, customer support, and order fulfillment. We also provide research and consumer survey, catalog management, and transaction processing services.

With core expertise in the B2B market, we assist with B2B marketing functions such as Lead management, Digital marketing, social media monitoring, and content creation. Our data support services include Data management, Data Entry, Data Processing, and Data Mining. For further detailed information, feel free to visit our Website.

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