Outsourcing Back Office Support What Startups Need to Know

Outsourcing Back Office Support What Startups Need to Know

Outsourcing Back Office Support – In any business or company is it always the sales team who gets the credit for the growth of their business. It’s because they are the ones who interact with customers and generate leads and sales. But to maintain their peak performance, they need a support team. Sales teams wouldn’t be able to succeed without the help of their back office support team.


Back office teams work behind the scenes. Although they are not the ones who deal with customers, they have an essential role in the success of any business. These professionals provide services such as administrative duties, data entry, record maintenance and documentation, transaction processing, and many more. While back office functions are not the core of your business, they are still important to the overall operations.

Outsourcing Back Office Support: What Startups Need to Know

If you’re an owner of a startup company, it can be tempting to do the back-office work yourself. However, this can definitely take away from what you could be doing to improve your business operations. This is where back-office support outsourcing becomes an important option. If you’re wondering how to outsource back office support services, this blog is perfect for you. Here are the two topics that this blog will cover:


  • What Is Back Office Outsourcing?
  • Steps in Outsourcing Back-Office Support Services
What Is Back Office Outsourcing?

Administrative tasks are time-consuming and can drain too much of your resources. While these functions are essential to your business, spending your time and money on them isn’t worthwhile if you want to stay competitive. Besides, you should be focusing on your core competencies instead. If you have limited resources, outsourcing back office support services could be the right for you.


According to a report by Shared Services and Outsourcing Network, Fortune 500 companies lose an estimated $480 billion because ofineffective back-office processes. The report revealed the following challenges faced by businesses:


  • Leadership issues and challenges
  • Escalating workload
  • Service goals and timelines
  • Facilities, tools, and expenses on technological resources


By outsourcing back office services, startups can transfer certain functions to a reliable third-party provider like Markable Solutions. In back-office outsourcing, startups can hand over tasks to a specialized team so they can focus on your core business. After all, managing an in-house back-office team can be a financial burden especially if your business is just starting.

Steps in Outsourcing Back Office Support

The following are the five steps in outsourcing back office support services:


    1. Know your back office needs


Before researching for a perfect third-party provider, you should first have a firm reason for outsourcing. You can ask yourself the following question:


  • What back-office functions are you outsourcing?
  • What are your standards and expectations?
  • How much is your budget?


Keep in mind that outsourcing is not plug-and-play that’s why you need to set expectations and be clear with your potential partner.


    1. Determine their experience and expertise


After answering the questions above, start searching for BPO partners. Choose the right vendor based on the following:


  • Experience in handling complex tasks
  • Passion for meeting your needs
  • Talents and skills
  • Technical expertise
  • Technology being used


    1. Set your budget 


Before everything else, determine how much you want to invest. When negotiating with a third- party provider, make sure to clearly communicate your budget with them so they can create the right pricing model perfect for your needs.


    1. Ensure data privacy


Data privacy and security is a major concern in today’s digital world. When searching for a back-office support partner, make sure that they have the right security measures to secure your sensitive information. Moreover, they should have the latest tools and software to protect your data against leaks or being compromised.


    1. Flexibility


A potential back-office support partner should be flexible enough to provide your requirements or address your concerns at a moment’s notice. Flexibility is very essential if you will be working with a partner in a different time zone.


Now that you know these simple tips and tricks, it’s time to find the right third-party provider that will help you fulfill your back-office needs. Markable Solutions offers the best back office services in the US and other parts of the world. Our back-office support services include admin, support, lead management, digital marketing, data management, and many more. Interested? Contact us today.

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