The Importance of B2B White Paper Promotion for Hi-tech Companies

The Importance of B2B White Paper Promotion for Hi-tech Companies

In the high-tech industry, White Papers are technical documents that introduce a new technology or describe how a technology or product solves a specific problem. That’s the reason why many IT professionals and users believe that White Papers are an effective tool for decision-makers when purchasing a particular product or technology. A B2B White Paper is a crucial part of any technology company’s marketing strategy. These well-researched reports are longer than blogs, written in a technical style from an expert’s point-of-view, and delve deep into the technical topic.

As B2B sales are a multi-step process that takes much longer than the typical B2C sales, a well-written White Paper can be used by companies to help generate highly-qualified leads and move them along the sales funnel with high-value technical content that introduces new technologies and also informs and helps solve real business or technical challenges. For B2B hi-tech companies selling complex products, White Paper promotion is one of the most practical ways to convert leads into qualified sales prospects.

Research by MarketingSherpa revealed that 69% of prospective clients who find, download, and show interest in your White Papers will definitely pass it along to their colleagues, while 36% of total downloads will be passed to a supervisor. On the other hand, 57% of IT purchase decision-makers stated that a White Paper influenced at least one buying decision.

The Importance of B2B White Paper Promotion for Hi-tech Companies

White Paper promotion offers many potential benefits. Whether your goal is to generate leads, increase brand awareness, or even educate readers, on syndicating this valuable content you also get to collect the contact information of prospective customers who download your White Paper.

Check out the importance of White Paper promotion for hi-tech companies:

Establish thought leadership

Hi-tech companies that produce the best White Papers can establish thought leadership. First of all, thought leadership is never established with obvious sales pitches. If the White Paper is about a particular product, it is not a White Paper – it is a marketing datasheet. White Papers should educate the potential customer, presenting the company’s expertise and credibility as a trusted advisor, not as a car salesman pushing whatever car is on the lot.

Generate sales leads

IT professionals are constantly looking for the latest trends in changing landscapes or new technology. To be most successful at generating leads, you should produce White Papers about hot topics related to the hi-tech industry. The more effective the White Paper is, the easier it is for a third-party provider, to generate leads, which could mean quicker lead production and lower costs for future projects and campaigns.

Gain a competitive edge

The Internet is now rife with unexceptional and duplicated content, making it harder to be heard and cut through that noise. Distributing your own original research, thoughts, and ideas carefully in a format like a White Paper will elevate your brand and help you gain a competitive edge over other brands.

Build brand awareness

A White Paper is not always for generating leads; it can also spread awareness amongst your target audience and create a better brand image. At the end of the White Paper, you may write a short description of your company and the tasks it handles. Doing this will definitely help the viewer base comprehend what services your company provides.

Looking for a B2B marketing provider to boost your White Paper promotion? At Markable Solutions, we help clients share their White Papers through paid web syndication, online marketing, and tele-nurture activities. So talk to us now!

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