Top Mistakes you Should Avoid in Social Media Marketing

Social media is a powerful medium a business can use to connect with its target audience, ensure higher conversions, and increase sales. According to Pew Research Center, 2021, 84% of US adults aged 18 to 29 are active social media users.


Companies can rely on social media platforms to attract leads. But social media marketing, popularly referred to as SMM, is not just about posting random content about your business and expecting the prospects to show up and express their interest. SMM needs a plan and timely execution. It requires research on the buyer persona, content creation, and channel selection and needs market research. Companies can get help from social media marketing companies to create effective campaigns.


According to Statista 2022, there were 4.59 billion social media users worldwide in 2022. So, social media offers a vast opportunity for businesses for customer acquisition and retention. But only some companies successfully utilize social media’s power and influence to grow their business. They make some mistakes that cost them their financial resources and time.


Companies must adopt and implement a strategy to succeed with social media marketing. Let’s discuss the top mistakes most businesses make that you can avoid to find more prospects and speed up your lead generation process.


  • No market research: Social media is for everyone, and anyone can access social media sites for free. Businesses can leverage the power and reach of social media and get the most out of it by understanding their competitors. They need to invest in market research and competitive intelligence to understand the market, the demand, the product fit, and the competition. A business needs to know the environment it will operate in and benefit from its strengths. Market research helps a company get a 360-degree view of the competition and its strengths and weaknesses. A business can make informed decisions and formulate social media marketing strategies to yield the desired results. A lead generation company can help in the competitor analysis and tell you how to be ahead of the curve. Their study will reveal the way forward to succeed in a competitive marketplace.


  • No strategy in content creation: Content is the lifeline of successful social media marketing campaigns. Businesses need to create unique, engaging, and informative content that educates and attracts the attention of their prospects. Companies can leverage different platforms and use their unique traits to connect with an audience. Moreover, choosing an appropriate content platform is essential for your prospects to connect with your brand. Let’s take an example of a clothing brand that sells fast fashion clothes, and its target audience would be the GEN Z and millennials. The best platform would be Instagram and influencer marketing to promote the brand. The tone and voice of the brand should sync with that of the youth who loves the latest fashion trends.


  • On the contrary, a company that deals in textiles that wants B2B sales can focus more on Facebook to promote its products. As per research by Data Reportal 2022, Facebook is the most widely used social media platform. In the US, two-thirds of adults are now Facebook users. Knowing your audience and the content they’ll prefer to engage with you should be a priority for a business engaging in social media marketing activities. Understanding what kind of content will attract your target audience is essential — blogs, short videos, or lead magnets. So the right strategy and appropriate content will help to connect with prospects.


  • No appropriate selection of social media platforms: There are various social media sites, but businesses should promote on platforms where they are likely to find many prospects. The approach and the channel for content syndication will differ depending on the industry and the goods and services it sells. An advertising company may promote its services via Instagram, and a B2B business may focus on LinkedIn and Twitter over other platforms. So, there is a difference in the approach to using social media to achieve one’s goals.


  • Not creating a buyer persona: All marketing efforts, including social media marketing, should be directed toward your ideal customer profile. A business must make a buyer persona profile representing its ideal customer. The marketing efforts should be customized to meet the buyer’s unique requirements. For instance, the prospects of a finance company and a manufacturing business would differ, and the content marketing approach will also vary accordingly.


The Solution

SMM is a systematic process that needs a strategy backed by research. Every business is unique and has its strengths and weaknesses. A blanket approach towards social media marketing will not work. Instead, a company must focus on its customer base and leverage social media correctly to connect with the target audience. It must define a social media marketing strategy, create a buyer persona and post appropriate content. It will ensure a higher probability of attracting more leads. To attract more customers and leads via social media marketing, you can select a reputed B2B marketing or a lead generation company offering services that will boost your presence and make your prospects notice your brand.


Digital marketers know how to spread the word about your business after understanding the core target audience. They can attract prospects and create conversations around your brand. The best social media marketing companies know the latest trends and know how to connect with prospective buyers using content marketing. It is best to hire experts who can provide services at a nominal fee and create a significant presence through social media.


How can Markable Solutions help?


Markable Solutions is a reputed B2B Lead generation company offering various services that help businesses increase sales. We provide social media marketing services and help companies to expand their reach on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. We understand your requirements and target audience and create an SMM strategy that will attract customers and enable you to maximize revenue.

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