What Is the Major B2B Lead Generation Problem Your Company Is Facing Today?

In today’s competitive world, generating leads is becoming more challenging than ever. Many companies are having a hard time formulating the right lead gen strategy to attract potential customers and generate sales. From SMEs and startups to large companies and institutions, finding an effective solution to overcome their lead generation problems is important.

A recent study conducted by Wpromote and Ascend2 revealed that:

  • 60% of B2B marketers say their lead generation problems cost them wasted time/resources, and
  • 59% of the respondents say their lead gen problems cost them missed opportunities for revenue.

With these problems in mind, Markable Solutions decided to conduct a poll to determine the major B2B lead generation problem that companies face in today’s world.

Markable Solutions 1st Poll Question:

What Is the Major B2B Lead Gen Problem Your Company Is Facing Today?”

Last May 25, 2022, Markable Solutions posted this question offering four options to choose from:

  • Difficulty in generating a high volume of leads
  • Sales teams not delivering high-quality leads
  • Bringing in leads, but don’t have a strategy
  • Others (Add your comments)

The poll question was posted on two social media platforms, Facebook and LinkedIn. In order to participate in our poll question, respondents were asked to click the link on the post, and choose one option that they believe is the major B2B lead generation problem that companies are facing today.


After two weeks of conducting the poll question, here are the results:

  • 45% of the respondents answered Option A – Difficulty in generating a high volume of leads” is the major B2B Lead Generation Problem most companies face in today’s world.
  • 25% of the respondents answered Option C – Bringing in leads, but don’t have a strategy,
  • 5% of the respondents answered Option B – Sales teams not delivering high-quality leads
  • 5% of the respondents answered Option D – Others commented that their major B2B Lead Generation problems are lack of resources and that B2B marketers fail to track, outreach, and engage with potential clients.

The respondents came from different countries such as the US, UK, EMEA and APAC. They are digital marketers, business owners, and lead generation executives from global companies. These respondents answered the poll question on Markable Solutions’ Facebook and LinkedIn pages.

As predicted, the respondents would pick Option A – difficulty in generating a high volume of leads is the major B2B lead gen problem most companies are facing today.

Many companies are eager to get more and more leads without thinking about the problems that they might encounter in the future. While many leads could mean that companies can get more potential customers, it can be overwhelming for their sales teams to generate a high volume of leads. In today’s competitive world, generating a high volume of leads can also be tough, especially if companies are competing with the same target market. SMEs and startups are definitely the most affected by this situation because larger companies with more resources and expertise attract more prospects.

Keep in mind that the number of leads is not essential in your lead generation strategy. After all, it’s better to have a dozen leads that might buy your service than a hundred leads that only have a passing curiosity about your service. For instance, account-based marketing is a lead gen strategy that concentrates resources on a set of target accounts within a target market. It utilizes personalized campaigns designed to engage each account, basing the digital marketing campaigns on the specific attributes and needs of the account.

Outsourcing lead generation services to a reliable B2B marketing agency is the ultimate key to overcoming the difficulty of generating a high volume of leads. For instance, Markable Solutions is a Silicon Valley B2B marketing company offering end-to-end B2B lead generation services and ensures a consistent flow of (hot) sales-ready leads for your Salesforce using an integrated marketing approach. We have years of experience in implementing B2B lead gen programs of various sizes and complexities and know how to keep costs under control.

Markable Solutions’ lead gen team conducts detailed research on our clients’ offerings and competition. A series of training and mock-call sessions are then organized with their sales team to better understand their products/services. Our team can work on cold-calling campaigns or follow-up on event attendees, email campaign openers/responses, white paper/other resources download leads, leads from social sites, etc.

For ABM leads, we help clients pick their high-value accounts to generate targeted leads. We also use strategic factors such as revenue potential, influence in the market, or the likelihood to purchase repeatedly from our clients. Our team creates personalized messaging and campaigns to address the target account’s definite business challenges effectively. We also consider which channels will be more effective for specific roles or industries that the client might be targeting. We then coordinate clients’ ABM campaigns across channels and align their marketing and sales teams’ efforts for determining impact.

Overcoming the difficulty in generating a high volume of leads definitely tough, but if you choose the right solution, you can definitely overcome this lead gen problem faster. After all, are you doing all it takes to generate the best leads?

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