White Paper, an educational resource is considered one of the most efficient B2B lead generation tools and can have a powerful influence on the ROI of your marketing strategy. Yet, many white papers fail to perform to expectations. They often turn into a list development exercise where contact information is gathered from prospects, but prospects retain little from the interaction and more often than not have no recollection of the white paper on follow up inside sales calls. A good white paper helps to:

  • Inform and engage prospects and builds brands
  • Fill your sales pipeline with warm qualified leads
  • Improves traffic to your website
  • Capture intent data (digital footprints)
  • Convert interest into sales action

Still if you are wondering whether your whitepaper marketing strategy is right on track then here are some of the Dos and Don’ts of White Paper Syndication that your marketing team can follow:

Dos of White Paper Syndication
Clear call to action

Always create white paper with a clear call-to-action.  Give your audience a clear route to follow and reach you. Put your company’s contact information on every whitepaper page as a part of the standard header or footer format. Don’t assume they will scan to the first or last page to contact you.

Registration form – Minimum question

More questions you ask on your registration form, fewer the downloads you are likely to get.

Proper SEO

Creating good white paper is, unluckily, just half the work. With search engines giving so much importance to quality, you need to make sure that the content is not only engaging and relevant but also visible on search rankings. 

Right selection of syndication sites

Figure out all the possible good sites and channels (Free and paid) for promoting your whitepaper. Some of the major free sites includes LinkedIn, Hubpages, Scribd, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Try using pre-populated forms. Avoid sites that makes compulsory registration for prospects to download the white paper. Select the websites based on your budget structure. Also you can work with bloggers and reporters to get a good coverage.

Repurposing White Paper

You can readily repurpose your whitepaper by converting it into a podcast. You can also create some powerful graphical presentations and info-graphics.

Tele-Syndication model

It’s very important to consider tele-syndication model. Phone is an excellent channel to reach your target prospect and ask open-ended questions. Tele-syndication leads are more likely to be converted than any regular online leads.

Don’t of White Paper Syndication

Too technical writing

It’s very likely for technical writers to go overboard and write a too technical whitepaper. It’s imperative to consider that these papers will not only be read by technical prospects but also management.

Risking brand dilatation

Don’t confuse brand awareness with “advertising.” Strictly avoid scattering of your white paper carelessly, risking brand dilution or crossing the spam boundary.

Spending too much

Make sure you are not paying way too much for content syndication and campaigns. White paper writing is itself is a costly affair. So, wisely choose the paid syndication options and syndication partners.  

Choosing wrong tele-syndication partners

There are many tele-syndication companies generating fake whitepaper leads. Be aware of the malpractices and ask for original lead call recordings.

Request a quote or Call +1 (408) 799 4081 to know more about our Content Syndication offerings.

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