Why B2B Marketers Turn to Digital Marketing Amidst COVID-19

Why B2B Marketers Turn to Digital Marketing Amidst COVID-19

As the almost-total disappearance of all channels related to live-conferences and events, as well as the increasing barrier on face-to-face business due to the coronavirus pandemic, many businesses are going to become more reliant on their digital marketing strategy. If you’re a B2B marketer in an industry that has been slow to adapt to digital marketing, a key factor in these hard times is adaptability. It means opening new channels over the web or social media platforms where introductions can be established and relationships nurtured. In the coming months, your prospective clients are going to be less open to the fact of letting you walk through their doors and shake their hands so you need to boost your digital marketing presence effectively.

Boosting Your Digital Marketing Strategy During COVID-19 Pandemic

Since it’s still unclear when things will settle down, B2B marketers are certainly going to struggle more to make up their losses. In the midst of this global pandemic, there are still a lot of opportunities for you to enhance your digital marketing presence during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Empathy is the Key

A lot of people are feeling very uncertain right now, so the key to getting their attention is to show empathy and sensitivity towards them. To do this effectively, start sending email campaigns that are more personalized and related to the current situation of the world. You don’t have to sacrifice on promoting your brand. Just do so in a manner that shows some relevant awareness of the challenges being faced by different people and businesses.

For instance, retail company Marks & Spencer did this effectively when they used this opportunity to tell their customers they would continue supporting them through tough times.

Elevate your Content Marketing

There is a continuous increase in internet users which is being matched by the recent rises in online traffic. This situation has helped the online forum Reddit to reach double-digit percentage increases in traffic across the board – with a remarkable range of 20-50% subreddits, a forum dedicated to business, education, news, travel, sports, and finance. With this great opportunity in mind, elevating your content marketing is necessary.

You need to do an audit of your content marketing strategy. Is the content still relevant? Do you need to incorporate personalized key phrases? Keep in mind that internet users are not only
looking for content that is relevant to the current situation, but also for any kind of content that
entertains and comforts.

Invest More in Digital Marketing

In a recent study from data intelligence company PredictHQ, the month of February has seen a 500% surge in cancellations of significant events. In line with this data, ClickZ’s research finds that B2B companies who participate in industry events allocated almost 40% of their budgets to exhibitions and trade shows which is five times more than the 8% used for online marketing. So instead of cutting marketing budgets in the light of these lost opportunities, the study recommends that redirecting it to digital marketing efforts can not only avoid traditional marketing channels but also easily see a return on investment (ROI).

Moreover, B2B marketers that previously did not fully boost their digital marketing strategies have the opportunity to switch gears and transform the loss into potential gain through updating the company website, upgrading content marketing and SEO, and enhancing their social media engagements.

Grab Growth Opportunities during the Crisis

One of the primary reasons B2B marketers turn to digital marketing amidst COVID-19 is to take over where their competitors have given up. Many companies can take advantage of the crisis to achieve faster results in terms of growth and market share. While many people may be a bit more cautious about spending during the outbreak, this global pandemic will not last forever. Staying visible to your target market during and after the crisis can help your brand stay fresh in the minds of your prospective clients.

The best example of this is the electronics manufacturer Sony. The company concentrated on its research and development and marketing efforts to launch new products and new business models during the 2008 US economic crisis. Sony used an “umbrella branding strategy” as it uses the corporate name while promoting its products and services across different digital media segments.

Consistency is Your Ultimate Friend

With the drastic market changes, it is important to maintain a healthy online presence. Examine your branding strategy, rework on your content marketing strategies, and fix any technical SEO issues on your website. Consistency plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy online presence. To do this, you need to look for a B2B marketing service provider that offers comprehensive yet effective digital marketing services.

At Markable Solutions, we design a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. We also analyze your competitors, current brand reputation, past metrics for website traffic, lead conversion, CTR, etc. Our digital marketing services include SEM – Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Blogging, and Email Marketing.

Know more about How Markable Solutions can help you generate Highly Qualified Leads

So what are you waiting for? Talk to us and we’ll help you along the way.

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